Expert Witness

Simon Smith is known as eVestigator ®, a real Cyber Security Expert Witness and Forensic Investigator. A businessman, entrepreneur, excelling in this discipline. He is an expert witness that can help in any legal proceedings at any stage, and has been known to have an eye for detail that has in fact brought cases to an end with forensic fact when only asked to read over. Find out more here; Simon Smith eVestigator

He is a skilled licensed Private Investigator, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Commonwealth appointed FDR Practitioner, and grew up as a child genius programmer now with over 21 years of industry experience under his belt in all facets of IT mastery, Project Management, IP, Cryptocurrency, Dark Web, you name it.

He has solved cases the High-tech cyber divisions have not been able to solve in over 8 years, in 1 day. He is very popular as Australia's expert on the media, and he has identified of $80m of cyber-scammers, over 250 cyber-stalkers, and 500 cyber-criminals both in and outside the workplace. Simon Smith is 'the' expert witness with cases and testimonials to prove almost any situation. He holds over 8 Department of Homeland Security recognised Cyber and Intelligence Agent Certifications, and over 11 Post Graduate level Qualifications from Australia. He is also a teacher of the various aspects of Cybersecurity.


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