Amazing Benefits Of Alkaline Green Raw Food Supplements
If you want to live a great life, you have to eat the best foods ever. There is no escaping the fact that our cells are like tiny battery packs that need the best fuel we can provide them with. What you eat can be your greatest medicine or your slowest form of poison! You can find out more here; gerstengras
One such food specially meant for increasing cellular rejuvenation and oxygenation of the blood and brain and maximising the body's defenses against mental, emotional and physical stress is live raw green food alkaline supplement powders. We will call it Revitaphi.
The name itself, meaning return to an original state or condition, Vita from root meaning life and Phi, that is the ratio or geometric relationship that allows all parts to unify as a collective expression of higher intelligence signifies the importance of this amazing food.
Live, raw, green food, alkaline supplements play an important role in supporting the body's natural impulse to return to the state of vitality that it was designed to thrive with. It provides the body cells with the fuel to restore and rejuvenate the capacity of our body and mind. It is an alkaline greens formula unlike anything else.
One such food specially meant for increasing cellular rejuvenation and oxygenation of the blood and brain and maximising the body's defenses against mental, emotional and physical stress is live raw green food alkaline supplement powders. We will call it Revitaphi.
The name itself, meaning return to an original state or condition, Vita from root meaning life and Phi, that is the ratio or geometric relationship that allows all parts to unify as a collective expression of higher intelligence signifies the importance of this amazing food.
Live, raw, green food, alkaline supplements play an important role in supporting the body's natural impulse to return to the state of vitality that it was designed to thrive with. It provides the body cells with the fuel to restore and rejuvenate the capacity of our body and mind. It is an alkaline greens formula unlike anything else.
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