Common Washing Machine Problems

While technology is unquestionably built with a shelf life these days and not to last as it once was, most common faults when it comes to household appliances are down to user error and not to the mechanics or make up of the machine itself. How many times have you overloaded your washing machine, used the wrong detergent or used the right detergent but put it in the wrong place? Sometimes it’s a genuine mistake but mostly it’s done under the false premise that if you wash more things together you’ll use less electricity, less water, saving you time and money but it’ll cost you a lot more to get it fixed than it would to separate your washing out into manageable loads. Find out more right here; washing machine repairs

The average washing machine is designed to be used no more than around five times per week and you really shouldn’t need to use it more than this. If you follow this rule, your washing machine should last between six and eight years but be prepared for this figure to be a lot lower if you consistently pack clothes, towels and bedding into the drum.

The following are common problems that can often be prevented by following manufacturer’s guidelines on load size, detergent, serving and maintenance but if necessary be fixed easily and quickly by a trained appliance repair engineer. 


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