Best iPhone Apps

There are several apps that are the best when it comes to productivity and should be on everyone's iPhone. Best iPhone AppsOne of the great things about the Apple iPhone would be the sheer number of apps that are available. With thousands to choose from, many may find it difficult to get the best ones. You can find out more by clicking here; Paid App for Free

Feedler RSS

For anyone that spends a good amount of time reading RSS feeds, there is a clean and simple way to do this on the iPhone. Feedler RSS effortlessly syncs with a Google Reader account. Various folders from the Google account will show up in the app and reading and organizing of the feeds is quite simple. The free version of the app includes the basic feature. There is a paid version of the app that also includes customizable batch syncing, the ability to toggle read and star items on headlines and more.


Business gets taken care of at all hours of the day and in many different locations. Being able to access important files when away from the office is essential. By having a Dropbox account, one can easily access files from his iPhone. Depending on the amount of storage space needed, there are free as well as paid subscriptions. The free account includes quite a bit of storage, so one would have to be a power user to need the paid option.
The Dropbox account is free and simple to set up. For computer users, there is a small program that can be placed on the PC, so one has access to their updated files.

Dragon Dictation

It is a known fact that humans can speak extremely quicker then we can type. This is especially true when it comes to typing on an iPhone. To be able to quickly and easily dictate text, Dragon Dictation is an amazingly effective app. Dictation can easily be done through the app and then copied to an e-mail, text message or even sent to Facebook or Twitter.


Staying in touch is often done through the use of instant messaging. Meebo offers users a seamless way to manage all different IM clients. Popular services such as AIM, Google, Yahoo, Facebook and more can all be managed and used through this app.

For Facebook users, there is also an update section where current headlines are posted. One is not able to respond to posts, but it is a simple way to see the current news feed. Also included in this section is a handy QR scanner.


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