Advertising Career Overview

Students with degrees in advertising will find a competitive job market. Competition for jobs in advertising is tough because this industry customarily attracts more jobseekers than there are job openings. If you're looking for a job in advertising you can seek aid from this jobseekers.

Students with degrees in advertising will find a competitive job market. Competition for jobs in advertising is tough because this industry customarily attracts more jobseekers than there are job openings. The draw towards this industry is the multimillion-dollar campaigns, and the glamour surrounding the promotion of products and the clients it represents.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( ), non-supervisory workers in advertising and public relations services made $633 a week on average in 2004. Companies in the advertising and public relations industry arrange advertisements for other companies and organizations and propose campaigns to encourage the interests and image of their clients. This industry also includes media representatives, radio, television, and the Internet. It also includes display ads, direct mail, billboards and other tangible media. The demand for educated advertising professionals is on the rise as technological advances give advertisers more options for the media on which they advertise.


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